Deze maand staat in het blad European Children’s Film Association een publicatie over Watch That Sound.
Lees het artikel als pdf : ecfa_wts13_1.pdf
WTS in ECFA Journal
Great artists like Paul Klee, Picasso, Karel Appel studied the work of children while developing their own style. Most art forms take children’s ideas serious… but music seldom does.
Do children have no musical imagination? Playing with toys, they make them speak and sing, giving each toy its own sound; cars vroom, monsters roar and a plastic snake hisses. Like a live soundtrack with musical dynamics such as climaxes, sound contrasts and melody, following the dramatic structure of their play.
So why not try to stimulate their musical imagination by offering them a program to
expand this interest? That’s why we developed ‘Watch that Sound’, a creative learning project on composing by means of media. In Watch that Sound, children can compose by practice and by making a soundtrack for a short movie. In this workshop
children adapt the skills to analyze a short movie’s structure, interpret moods, narratives and musical tension, make their own storyboard, make a graphic score, play and record.
Last year we worked with over 4000 children in schools and in Cinekid’s Medialab. Now we would like to share our ideas with colleagues and we are looking for inspiring people to get connected.
Based in Rotterdam, Watch that Sound is a collaboration of artists who want to
challenge and stimulate the creative skills of children. Because it gives them
confidence and pleasure! Like Chairmaa ( 9): “Now I learned that you can not only
hear, but also see sound.” (Jacques van de Veerdonk)
More info on www.watchthatsound/english. Contact: [email protected].
(Het blad is ook on line te lezen, bovenstaand artikel op pagina 7 :) Ecfa Journaal Uitgave 13-1